Sunday, December 22, 2013

Minecraft Server

Hey everyone, if anyone has a minecraft account can you go on my friends server? Please it would mean alot I am the admin on there and I am on there a lot and I will be so pleased to see if you came on :)
The ip is
See ya there

Short Break- OVER

Sorry Guys!
I had to take a short break due to computer problems, I promise that since I'm about to get my new laptop I will be making more posts!

  The newest thing I can make a update on isss..
Greely's Inferno!

I'm so sorry this is a short update I will be back on when I can 
I love you all <3 
~Jam on!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Itchy Sweaters & Cold Weather!

Today is the 7th day of the Jamaalidays! The item is...
It looks itchy! 
It doesn't look so bad on a deer, its actually kind of cute on a deer, it just so happens I got a weird color.. green! 
 I could be the next runway model OuO 

The new item in the Jamaa Mart is a Wreath and it could be bought for 150 gems, its a reasonable price! Unfortunately there is no new den items today. 

On another note.. I might be changing my username. Why? 
I think my name is getting old, I originally made mine to match a friends so we could have a similar username, but I really want to change mine now, I am not sure if they will allow me because I changed mine back in 2011 due to that i named it after my real name. So I am not sure if I can, but if I do I will update you all on it.
(I'm tasting grits in my mouth but I'm not even eating..)  

I will probably be posting later adios jammers! 

This is Crazyforwolves123 signing off!
Jam on!~

Friday, December 6, 2013

2010/2011-Early 2012 Me

So, I'm making this post to kind of clear my name. (This was back when the game first started, the first year everything became rare) I had just joined the game in late 2010, mind this, I was young, foolish, and completely oblivious to what was right. Lets get this name clearing started...

When everything became rare, I had most of the rares, I had bought them, traded for them, and done some things to get them, this included scamming and hacking. I am not proud of what I did, but I was young I knew no better. I had this buddy, she was a hacking expert, due to this being like 2-3 years ago, I do not remember her username, not saying I would reveal it since she was a very nice friend beside the hacking. It was never a big hack, it was mostly the grey tiger cards we went after. She showed me ways to do it, it was like a Hacker's Training Course. We got legendary gloves, and worns, I remember when I hacked my first account, looking back now I regret it so much. It seemed like a good way to get rares at the time, looking back now I'm disappointed in my younger self. I can't turn time but I can admit to my mistakes.

  There was another time when royal blankets were very rare, I remember scamming one, I'm so sorry if the person ever reads this, I meant no harm. I was 3 years younger, I was foolish. I made the person think I was a Administrator/Moderator of Animal Jam. I told them if they sent me a Royal Blanket I would make sure AJHQ gave them abundant rares, I know see how foolish I was to do that, but yet astonished how someone would believe that.

 I know I did other things, I'm sure of it I was friends with all the big scammers/hackers
I'm not saying these people scammed for sure but these are some of the people still on my buddy list:

I know what I did was wrong and I deeply regret it. Surely you all have done something you regret, but at least I had the courage to confess and clear my name. 

Hey Guys!

Friday is finally here!!! I think weekends are nice, after school from 8 to 4 its nice to have a bit of a little time off. Two days, and my teacher decides to give us somethings to do over the weekend, well. I think the gift for today is super cu-te! 

It's a little toy train called the Gift Express! 
 How cuteee

There's nothing really new other than that. 

My new deer, is just fantabumous:
Old GrandPaw will be the new craze across Jamaa 
 My files are so full, like this blogging has taken up so much space! 

I'm just like wow, I need to clean this thing out, I mean why will I need to use them again?

I will be starting this buddy/shoutout thing

Whoever sends me a Jam-A-Gram saying "Animal Jam Rocks" I will either add you or give you a shout out on the new page for my viewers! Please do not send gifts.  I am not saying send me gifts  because I am not.  Since I only have 5 buddy slots left, once they get filled I will start posting on the "S/O for the viewers" 
page. I just want to thank you all for reading my blog :) It just has to say "animal jam rocks" 

I'm sorry if I don't get to buddy you, I will if someone deletes me :| 

Oh, yes this is Flugle, she says hi. 

Make sure to send a Animal Jam Rocks to me to get on my buddy list or my s/o page :)<3 

This is crazyforwolves123 signing off!
Jam on!~

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Oh Dear! Deers are here!

The deers are here!
That's me! Aren't the Deer's just cute :)

This is the Jamaa Journal (it will be added to the archive shortly) 

The Jamaaliday gift is... *drumroll*

400 gems!

I guess they thought it would be a good idea to give out some gems so we can save up for deers:) 

the new item in the store is The Jolly Elf Hat! 


The new things in the diamond store are...

That's all for today! Crazyforwolves123 signing off!
Jam on!~

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

New items

Okay, hello jammers.
Right now I am rushing due to the fact my dad could be home any minute and I will have to get of the laptop so he can use it.

December 2nd's Gift was 300 gems ( I don't have a picture because I didn't get to get on that day)

December 3rd's gift was
 Elf shoes, I currently have every colour! I couldn't get orange in the snap though :| 

The new items that were in stores with it was... 

And today's item was.. *drum roll*
A sled! Well it's not named that, its got a blank names, it hasn't gotten named yet

I tried to make it as best as I could but rushing..
Crazyforwolves123 signing off!
Jam on!~